Survival of Species by Sol Rothman

Survival of Species
the BLOG

Good or bad, the people I grew up with in my neighborhood were part of my life. They were just human beings trying to exist the best way they knew how, coping with their pain and hopes in an imperfect world.


Everyone who knows me has heard me tell about my crazy childhood adventures growing up in the South Bronx. But in writing my story, Survival of Species, I remembered deeper than I thought I ever could -- reliving the brutality and fear, the crushing erosion of self, and the shame I kept hidden inside for a long lifetime.

And though my experience is from a different time and place in history, it gives voice to generations of defenseless children, abused in countless ways, whose pain still lives inside them, spilling out into their adult lives as it did in mine. I want them to know they can survive and live a creative life.